eBOOK: The Insider's Guide to Landing Your Dream Business Analysis Job

Regular price R 436.00 R 83.00

DISCOVER THE #1 STRATEGIES FOR BECOMING A BUSINESS ANALYST & LIVE YOUR DREAM CAREER. ...Even if you're a complete beginner. Spending your precious time working in a job you find boring, unfulfilling or not earning what you are worth, is simply no longer necessary for anyone! 


...Even if you're a complete beginner.

Spending your precious time working in a job you find boring, unfulfilling or not earning what you are worth, is simply no longer necessary for anyone! 

The “secret” to transforming your current job into your dream career coming from ANY background is to discover the profession that allows you to do it. A career that lets you reinvent yourself using your existing knowledge and skills whilst building the career of your dreams.

There is a real, in-demand career that allows you to do that and it is waiting for you to pursue it. It is Business Analysis.

How Would Your Life Change If You Were Working For Your Dream Employer Doing Exactly What You’ve Always Wanted...Like Daniel?

Is Business Analysis the career for you?

>> Do you love solving problems and help make things work better for others?

>> Do you enjoy work that has a lot of variety and that also gives you the option to work in any industry?

>>Are you someone who use your initiative and creativity in every day life and have a passion for continuous learning?

>>Would you enjoy working in a career where you can move between different subject areas like banking to government and even into charity organisations?

>>Are you someone who would like to re-use the knowledge and experience you already have but apply this within the context of business analysis?

>>Do you like building strong relationships with people and are passionate about improving systems and processes?

>>Would you like to earn a great salary with progressive career development opportunities in a wide variety of different specialisations?

>>Are you someone who likes to be intellectually challenged at work whilst having a great work/life balance? 

If you answer yes to these questions then this is definitely the career for you.

This Book Will Show You How To

>> Get the fundamental knowledge of Business Analysis and learn exactly what steps to take to make this dream career your reality.

>> Go about becoming a Business Analyst even if you don’t exactly know what it is right now.

>> Turn your work into a fulfilling and interesting career where you can make a real difference.

>> Use your existing knowledge and experience to your advantage when you start applying for Business Analysis jobs.

>> Take the first steps towards establishing yourself as a professional Business Analyst with a formal international industry certification.

>> Reinvent yourself in a way that maximises your current experience and promotes your innate Business Analysis capabilities and traits (you might not even realise you have!)

>> Become a confident believer in your abilities (which is a natural by product of applying the strategies I teach you in this book)

>> Regain complete control over your own career and future success.

>> Overcome the mental block of earning below your actual worth (hint: Money isn’t a concern when you manage your career the right way)

And When You Are Ready to Apply for Business Analysis Jobs It Will Also Show You How To

>> Make your new Business Analysis resume stand out and get noticed even with minimal practical experience.

>> Structure your resume so that it's a true ambassador of you (and NOT a cheap imitation).

>> Make the kind of impact in your interviews that dazzle your interviewer and pushes any competition into the distance. 

>> Structure your cover letter and resume so they speak for themselves and allow you to get the quality interviews you deserve (which is the KEY to landing your dream job).

>> Get TOP employers booking interviews with you every week (that means you get to choose who you work for).

If you’re a complete beginner or an experienced business professional at any level who wants to get the dream Business Analysis job, earn more money, and become the leader of your own career, this might be one of the most important letters you ever read.

But first…


What I'm about to share with you is, what I believe to be, the most effective strategy for a quick and effective way to become a Business Analyst and land your dream Business Analysis job.

However, it is NOT easy and you are NOT going to be successful within days of deploying this strategy.

So if you're looking for the next “no effort required” plan or strategy, this is NOT that.

This is a proven strategy, that when you implement it correctly, will generate a massive amount of interest in your skills and experience, and in many cases result in that perfect Business Analysis job.

What you're about to learn is the strategies I’ve used to help change many people’s careers into Business Analysis plus help them land high quality and rewarding Business Analysis jobs.

I've never taught these strategies to anyone outside of my private coaching clients who pay me significantly more to coach them through this process...

So if that sounds good...let's jump in.

Exactly What You're Getting

I’ve put together an 80-page book that you can read in an afternoon.

This isn’t your typical generic career change or job search book with a bunch of theories and hypotheticals. It takes you step-by-step through my process of transforming into and preparing yourself for getting the dream Business Analysis job.

And when you can generate a lot of recruiter interest everyday with minimal additional effort, the impact that has on your career opportunities to land a high paying quality Business Analysis job is so much higher.

Here's Just A Fraction Of What You'll Get…

>> Proof that the strategies I lay out for you will work for you too, no matter what industry you're currently in.

>> The truth about your "current professional profile" and how to prevent it from potentially working against you.

>> The critical formula to unlocking more abilities, skills and passions to use to help you transform and land your dream Business Analysis job.

>> The true definition of "adding value", why it's the single most impactful skill you can learn, and hat it will do for your career.

>> Why everything you know about asking for a pay rise is wrong and the ridiculously simple process you can start using in your career immediately.

>> How to formulate each of your job applications for optimal response (I did all the boring trial and error for you)

>> The huge mistake nearly everybody makes when pursuing a career as a Business Analyst and what I do differently to ensure you are successful faster. 

To make landing your first Business Analysis job so much easier, it also includes..

>> How to beat all your competitor job hunters so you can show your resume to the employers FIRST, and cut your time spent on applying for jobs.

>> Learn the simple techniques to make sure recruiters find your resume amongst the hundreds on their desk.

>> The exact guidelines I use to write a killer cover letter that you can apply to your own in less than 10 minutes.

>> Why the "old school" approach to getting a job is fast track to never finding your dream Business Analysis job.

>> An example page 1 BA resume that will illustrate exactly how my resume approach looks in real life. You can apply it immediately to your resume.

>> The secret behind crafting a cover letter that'll attract Business Analysis job opportunities much more effectively.

>> An example of effective cover letter copy (yes, you can swipe it)

BONUS CHAPTER: The step by step process to get paid what you deserve.

And much, MUCH more…

Here’s the Big Secret That’s In My Book

Nobody outside the Business Analysis profession realise just how much of what a Business Analyst do, is already a skillset 90% of working people posses. 

Although there is a lot of specific tools and techniques to learn, there is a lot of knowledge, skills and experience you already have that you can transfer and include as part of your transformed Business Analysis career profile.

Most people are expecting Business Analysis to be an isolated, discreet set of skills and therefore assume they are not able to transform their existing careers into Business Analysis quite as easily as what is possible with the right strategy and attitude. 

This book exposes the truth of what Business Analysis is and how you can utilise some of your existing skills and experience that maps straight to the industry best practice guide of Business Analysis. 

It is however important to know that Business Analysis is a wide body of knowledge that you acquire as you progress through your career but there is the possibility to get started much sooner and with less know-how than you might think.

It’s RISKY to think that becoming a Business Analyst is easy however it is MORE RISKY to stay in a career that you don’t enjoy and don’t feel valued in. 

Business Analysis is the only career I know of that allows for people from almost all walks of life to embark on with no university degree, yet it also one of the best kept secrets in the corporate world.

It is also the only career I know of that often compliments the experience and skills you already have whilst allowing you to add analysis tools and techniques to your portfolio of skills to apply.

In this book you will learn what strategies to follow to start your career as a Business Analyst and land your first Business Analysis job following the fastest route with the least obstacles. 

There are many training courses and “experts” out there who will send you down the garden path with lots of incorrect advice on where to start and how to succeed. This will cost you money, time and before you know it you will go in circles and you may never land your dream Business Analyst job. 

Employers Like To Recruit ... Fast

Instead of prolonging the agony of being in a boring or unfulfilling job because you are not sure where to start to change your career you can accomplish three critical things...

>> First, you learn the basics of Business Analysis and start identifying your transferrable skills and inherit capabilities as a Business Analyst.

>> Second, you craft the best resume and cover letter that uses a proven formula for attracting the right recruiters to you.

Following these steps you will have crossed the most difficult hurdle in any career change campaign…being ready for the first phone call for an interview!

For someone to set up a job interview with you, there needs to be the belief that you can potentially be the person they have been looking for.

They are motivated to talk to you, because they believe you can help them solve their recruitment problem.

>> Third, the best part is you attending that interview where you convince them with ease and fluency that yes, they were right, you are the solution to their recruitment need.

Naturally, the next thing that will happen is…

You'll Get More Interview Opportunities, it just works like that.

If you were able to get the first job interview, your confidence sky rockets and you know there are many more opportunities to come!

As many as you can get, right!!

So whether your job search is aiming to find that ultimate dream Business Analysis job or whether you are simply trying to find your first Business Analysis job, you now have choice. 

This strategy has worked for me over and over during my career.

Yes, This Will Work For You Too!

Regardless of how high you aim in terms of Business Analysis job opportunities to explore, your career, life and finances will be transforming before your very eyes.

Click The "Buy Now" To Get Your Copy Right Now

For just AUD$7.00 (normally AUD$37.00), you can purchase my 80-page book, The Insider's Guide To Landing Your Dream Business Analysis Job, and get everything you need to implement this game-changing career change  strategy into your life.

“What If This Book Is A Complete Waste?”

If you’re skeptical of ANY advertising claims at this point…

I understand.

And I’m not asking your to let your guard down.

That would be unfair given how many half-truths there are on the internet to wade through.

Instead, here’s my offer:

Buy my book for AUD$7.00 (normally AUD$37.00)

If you dislike it for ANY reason…

Just let me know and I’ll refund you the AUD$7.00...

You don’t even have to send anything back. Just ask for a refund, and it’s yours.

The Book Is AUD$7.00 (normally AUD$37.00)… But How Much Does It Cost NOT To Purchase It?

Weeks and months of wasting your career away in a job you hate.

Thousands, conservatively.

You can easily blow through $20K or more of lost income before you know it.

But perhaps even worse, you might be using a very ineffective strategy to search for jobs, which will eventually wear you out and you will loose confidence in yourself.

If you’re not growing, you’re dying.

Instead of just taking the first job that comes along, what if you learn something new in this book that transforms the types (and number of) of job opportunities that you get, you might end up with many different job opportunity choices…

Time Is Of The Essence

This AUD$7.00 (normally AUD$37.00) price is a test, and since I’m running a business, too... you better believe I’ll be raising the price...SOON.

If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.


You can do something different right now by investing a few bucks in the same system that has taken Business Analysts just like you from struggling to get one job interview to having multiple job opportunities to choose from....

The choice is yours. 

Click the "Buy Now" to get your copy of The Insider's Guide To Landing Your Dream Business Analysis Job.

Thanks for reading this very long letter!

Your new friend,

Esta Lessing CBAP®

P.S. Here’s a summary for my Cliffnotes lovers:

Due to the pandemic, the global economic conditions have changed and so has the demand for Business Analysts. Competition for getting good jobs is higher for sure.

The "secret" to a successful career change to Business Analysis is to be better than the other job hunters out there in the way you present yourself, including not only your resume and interview skills but your entire mindset and attitude. 

If you have a proven formula for preparing job applications and landing job interviews, then you don’t have to worry about the economic conditions. The job opportunities will come.

I’m offering you a book that walks you through how I did it during good economic times as well as bad. It works.

It’s called The Insider's Guide To Landing Your Dream Business Analysis Job.

It'll show you how to get your dream Business Analysis job, even now.

It costs AUD$7.00 (normally AUD$37.00), but if you dislike it for any reason, just let me know. I’ll refund the money and you can keep the book.

This offer won’t last forever, so act fast! 

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