At the end of this Advanced Workshop Facilitation Course you are confident and proficient in the core workshop facilitation skills as well as able to execute specialist Agile project and requirements related workshops.
You will also have access to the Workshop Blueprint containing templates, checklists and cheatsheets. This is an essential course for any Business Analyst, Product Owner, Project Manager or Business Professional who have to plan, execute and facilitate workshops in digital online and in-person project environments.
This course consists of a series of 4 live-virtual facilitated training sessions (3 hours each) with practical real world examples, downloadable PDF student notes, templates, checklists and cheatsheets.
> Session 1: 11 February 2023, 9am - 12am Saturday Australian Eastern Standard Time
> Session 2: 18 February 2023, 9am - 12am Saturday Australian Eastern Standard Time
> Session 3: 18 February 2023, 9am - 12am Saturday Australian Eastern Standard Time
> Session 4: 4 March 2023, 9am - 12am Saturday Australian Eastern Standard Time
You have direct access to your trainer whist completing the course. The trainer is available to provide you with assistance, answer your questions and provide assignment feedback (4 short practical assignments are included in this course).
This course is a great building block to take your workshop facilitation skills to the next level.
You will receive a completion certificate upon successful completion.
Entry Requirements: None
SESSION 1: The Process
Learn about the process of planning, conducting, and concluding a workshop.
- Prepare for Workshop (Online & In-Person)
- Conduct Workshop (Online & In-Person)
- Conclude Workshop (Online & In-Person)
- Retrospective (Online & In-Person)
- Tools (Online & In-Person)
SESSION 2 & 3: The Design
Learning about different workshop types, what to consider when you design your workshop and techniques to help you succeed.
- The Discovery Workshop
- The Ideation Workshop
- The Validation Worksop
- The Shaping Workshop
- The Root Cause Workshop
- Design Considerations
- Online vs In-Person Workshops
SESSION 4: The People
Learning about the group dynamics and how to get the best from everyone.
- Get to know your participants
- Profile types
- Expectation Management
- Workshop Engagement Techniques